Saturday, February 28

So I'm working in the library all weekend and wishing I was in bed next napping with my Scotty. Sigh. Sucks to be a working stiff sometimes. However, at least at work today I can blog--I'm working the reference desk in the library, and we all know how much help college students need with their homework on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Lately I've been feeling the itch. No, not chiggers and not THAT either... It's the itch under my skin that tells me that my fingers need to be in contact with comuter keys or a pen and paper. And yet, I don't know what I want to write about. I actually wrote three lines of verse in a class last week, but that's such a small start. I know there is more in me, but I don't know how to get it out from under my skin and tatooed onto a paper surface. So, I've found myself rambling in my class notbooks rather than taking notes and rambling here to the faceless void of internet surfers who really don't give a flying monkey what I write as long as I provide some reason for them to avoid the boredom waiting beyond their computer screens.

Have I suceeded, or have I merely added to their short-attention spans? :)


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